By Rick Hood
January 12, 2021
It all started with two farmers, two different generations, sharing things they have seen and accomplished in their life. My Dad and I often talk about how most of the world is disconnected from the reality of where their food comes from. How they do not know the challenges, effort and hard work it takes to bring food to the table. Farmers are often skilled in many areas, it is because they have to be. There is not enough money in farming to be left at the end of the day, when the crops are sold to pay for all the support services needed to run a business as demanding as a farm. Farmers are mechanics, fabricators, engineers, business people, accountants, marketers, HR managers, marketing managers, IT support and much more. They have become self-sufficient out of a need to be that way. That self-sufficiency at the end of the day brings a calm about life. When your back is against the wall you know you can count on you. I have said many times in my life “I have been pushed to the cliff, looked over the edge and work my way back to stable ground. I am no longer afraid of going there.” My Dad and I agreed it would be a shame not to share that knowledge with those who desire to learn. In today’s world there is much anguish. Things are happening all around that we cannot control and feel helpless. Covid, politics, financial and more circle through a media wind all whipped up to attract our attention from other hurricanes on the map. The calm of knowing you have the knowledge and skills to be self-sufficient at least in some of your life becomes a calming breeze. Growing good healthy food, working with your hands, absorbing the enriching rays of the sun, exercise and the accomplishment of sweating out a good day’s activity tend to remove us from the winds, shelter us back to where it is just a breeze. So today, with the events of the world unfolding I decided it is time to Genesis that knowledge to those who which to receive it. I intend to share the knowledge of all aspects of small farming and gardeners. Some will detailed, some philosophical, and all based in practical firsthand experience of getting my hands dirty and making life grow. If you find this valuable, entertaining and results filled please pass our blog along. We hope a whole herd of growers can help spread good food and calm in the world of today. If you are in this as a business, I hope to save you some money. If you are in this as a gardener, I hope to advance your skills to produce a bounty to share. So therefore , In the beginning… (TBC)